Moore V. Harper
Moore V Harper needs to be kept in place
this is an opinion that many of you will dislike, perhaps even hate, but this is an issue I need to cover for my system.
this page is not fully done, and my opinion is incomplete, and I will finish it ASAP. Article Begun on 7-6-2022
at it's core, the ruling of Moore V Harper is in denial of the Independent State Legislature doctrine, which what the Independent State Legislature doctrine does is it wishes to remove power from the highest state authorities, such as governors, attorney generals, etc, all of which are the people who can ensure that the numbers add up, and in general check and ensure the validity of all votes and such from mayors or people lower down, including people who control votes for their district, which what this does is allows people with higher power, power that is voted in by the people in fair and justified votes, to ensure that people voted in by smaller regions do not abuse their power, and in the large scale, any amount of abuse of power adds up rapidly, and it will add up rapidly, because this will change the law for all 50 states, enabling them to do these things. what that means is if it is allowed, it will allow the people who take your votes, your ballots at the ballot box, and it allows them to throw away your ballot, burn it, or ignore it entirely, and pretend it does not exist. if this bill is brought up in court, and the supreme court decides to overturn it, and these laws and such can be changed without stepping on federal rights, and federal law, then states that are swung one way or another towards one party or another within our government, they can ignore votes for the opposing party, which creates an imbalance of power. this entire idea and imbalance of power goes against a lot of the founding principles of this country, and it shows just how little people care for equality, and with the pre-existing issues of Abortion Rights, this can very well be the beginning of another Civil War, because this is not just becoming an equality issue, but a human rights issue, and an issue with the entire government. if the supreme court decides to rule in favor of overturning Moore V Harper, this nation will most likely enter a free fall, one that will land us in another Civil War. there have been two world wars in this world, let's not let this nation fall apart and become as divided as the world was in those times, and have things come in twos. two world wars, two civil wars, let's not let that happen. read more to see just how bad this is and how deep it goes, but the above is sufficient understanding for your personal reading and understanding, but if you wish to fight for this, and truly understand it, or share facts, read on, please, and share this page.
official sources and reading material are listed at the bottom
if you go on the internet or really in general look through things, you will hear things all the time about polls in Russia being controlled by the KGB, the government police force, and in general controlled by people with certain power like this, and there's jokes about knowing the results of the votes long before the polls open, and the truth of the matter is that this will enable certain districts to fall victim to this, so then your voice, your vote, your little scribble in pencil on the ballot can mean way less, or even nothing, and your neighbor who you've known for a couple years and kinda like, but have different political views, their vote can mean more than the collective of votes from people on your street. now does that sound fair to you? does that sound as if that's something you want? no, of course not. and we don't know who this power would be given to, it would entirely be up to the mayors and other such people within districts, and make voting, instead of an important, protected, cared for and equal practice, it would make it into a shot in the dark, flippant, error filled mess of people scrambling and fighting for power, and it will make more division, it will rip this nation apart, and that's even after this nation is already broken, and hurting, and struggling with the rollback of Abortion Rights and so many other societal problems. in the famous words of the Declaration of Independence
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it"
people are trying to change how the state governments interact with the federal government, and that gives them the power to swing power within their state and the government, and this can allow small revolutions on the small scale to become a problem for the entire nation, and we could see problems like this pop up in hotspots, like miniature civil and human rights hot zones where these rights are contested, and that not only breeds volatility, but is a direct attack upon life and the pursuit of happiness. this also causes problems with liberty, because if you and your neighbor, and everyone you know doesn't have equal powers, and equality, then what is the point? this nation is a nation of 50 united states, and yet look at the division, it runs deeper than some bonds of love. this is not ok, and this nation is crumbling.
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
this right here, the consent of the governed? well that consent is only as good as the people giving it, and the people giving it? if this ruling is overturned, then the states can alienate those results, alienating Liberty, and that goes directly against the Declaration Of Independence. the founding fathers words. if you want a hot take then hear me on this next point:
if the supreme court rules to overturn Moore V. Harper, then I declare their entire council traitors, not just to this country, but to the people of this country, the government they claim to serve, and everything they claim to stand for
this is because they will be directly going against one of the most famous documents of this nation's roots, and they will be going directly against the words of the founding fathers, the people who made this nation, with a vision in mind of what it could be, with equality, love, caring, justice, and that every man and woman would be free to express themselves, love themselves and one another, but also be a rich nation full of diversity, with all of said diversity treated equally, with open arms. they did not envision a divided nation fighting over power, flippantly assigning it, and trying to alienate those rights that they set forth to protect for as long as this nation stands. overturning Moore V. Harper is the first step in destroying this nation from the inside, or turning it into nothing but a disgraceful excuse for what the founding fathers intended it to be. I know that this sounds extreme, and sounds like a lot of hot takes and opinions, and while I hear you on the fact that this has not happened yet, nobody has made threats over this, and this is not the goal and whatever else, I implore you: think. look at the long term, not 5 years, not 10, but one year, look ahead a year from now even, imagine how bad this nation could get, imagine how inequal the people will be, and imagine just how much hate there will be. this nation is Falling, Abortion Rights threw us down the stairs, and kicked us at the bottom, if Moore V. Harper is undone, or challenged, or overturned, or has harm done to it, we will be thrown off the cliff into a free fall, and this nation will end, or it will survive through blood, and the spillage of blood is the last thing the founders wanted, as that blood should be created equal, but if we get to that point, the blood spilt upon this nation shall not be equal except in death as it soaks into this nation's roots, with the bearers of said blood now dead. I implore you: FIGHT TO KEEP MOORE V HARPER, as not doing so, you may very well contribute to the beginning of a civil war that seems to be looming ever closer.